Friendly companies
- AficionArte - Consultoria Integral en Arte
- Condis
- Districlima
- Fundació La Caixa
- Grup Marcove
- Hotel Qgat
- Imatge Mèdica Intercentres
- ISS Facility Services, S. A.
- Laboratori de Referència de Catalunya
- Mémora
- Palex
- Parc de Salut Mar
- Roche Farma S.A.
- Sodexo
- Vesismin
Friendly organizations
- AMPA Escola El Clot
- Asociación de Voluntarios de Enfermos Sanables
- Associació Catalana de Familiars, Usuaris i Col·laboradors de Centres Geriàtrics Assistits
- Associació Ciutadana Anti-Sida de Catalunya
- Boldú
- Campus Universitari Mar
- Club Natació Atlètic Barceloneta
- Creu Roja
- Creu Roja-Joventut
- Fundació Autònoma Solidària
- Fundació CLAROR
- Fundació DiR
- Fundació ESADE
- Grup Àgata
- Moloka'i Sup Center
- Oncolliga
- Pallapupas
- Penya Blanc i Blava Poblenou
- Taller de Músics
- The Paella Club
Josep Cisquella's "Ombra sobre blau" (Shadow Over Blue) was the first donation made to the Friends of Hospital del Mar. The whole image of the FRIENDS is inspired by this work.
Josep Cisquella
Barcelona, 1955-2010
Elements of everyday life, like street furniture: lamp posts, chairs, stairs... which are not lacking in detail (mouldings, wallpaper, cracks and roughness), were the basis of his paintings; he isolates the shadows, enigmas between formal presence and absence, which acquire a life of their own and from which the viewer projects their own imagination. Influenced by Antoni Tàpies and the informalist movement, as well as by American photorealism and Pop Art, he makes the invisible visible, so that we can discover the poetic fundament of all the most modest and banal objects. Beginning in the 1980s, he exhibited in Barcelona and the United States.