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The Marina Walktrail supports Alzheimer's and other dementia research

The solidarity effort of the walkers who participated in the Marina Walktrail on October 8th has enabled the collection of €15,070 to fund joint research by the Hospital del Mar and the Pasqual Maragall Foundation on Alzheimer's and other dementias. This donation will be used to support the research projects of the investigators affiliated with the unit created through the strategic alliance between the research institute of the Hospital del Mar and the research center of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.

On January 22nd, this Monday, the president of the Fundació Amics de l'Hospital del Mar, Xavier Trias, presented the check to the director of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Dr. Joaquín Arribas, and the CEO of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and BBRC, Dr. Arcadi Navarro. Dr. Arribas emphasized "the path of collaboration we have started, which we trust will bear fruit for people with these pathologies," while Dr. Navarro added that the Marina Walktrail is "a very important collaboration, the beginning of something, and we are very excited to participate in it."

Solidarity Nordic Walk
The Marina Walktrail arrived last year in its ninth edition with a record number of registrations. More than 700 people, a record participation, gathered in the Serralada de la Marina in Santa Coloma de Gramenet for a solidarity sports event. For the first time, the organization was a joint effort between the Fundació Amics de l'Hospital del Mar and the Pasqual Maragall Foundation. This edition focused on research on Alzheimer's and other dementias, the subject of the work carried out in the HMAR Research Institute and the Barcelonaβeta Research Center. It is worth noting that a case of Alzheimer's is diagnosed every three seconds worldwide, and at present, there is no curative treatment for this disease.